Drink Responsibly

As one of our core values at Arak Haddad and Eagle Distilleries Company is responsible drinking, this page has tips and tells you how you should enjoy the
socially acceptable and responsible quantities of alcohol.
We provide the markets we operate in with high quality alcohol to be part of your life journey and do not intend to promote the misuse of our brands.

What are we doing?
Here are the actions that we do to ensure that our customers drinking responsibly:
1- In our marketing program, we ensure to target adults and always promote responsible drinking in our messaging
2- We support initiatives and campaigns that promote drinking responsibly
3- We encourage people not to drink and drive
4- We offer our free support for individuals to drink responsibly

What can you do?
The alcohol effect on your body affect people in different ways according to gender,
weight, ability to process, alcohol tolerance and many other conditions. Here are
some tips of what can help you be safe while drinking:
1- Try to keep track to how much your drink
2- Drink water in the same quantity of alcohol you are drinking, to help your body hydrate
3- Eat some nibbles before and during drinking, and consider a meal after drinking
4- Do not drink and drive, call a taxi, ask someone to drive you

Need more information and help?
Do you need more information or support in this matter, email us on drinkresponsibly@eagledis.com and our team will support you further.